Dear administrators,

rules for upvoting, gaining reputation points or awarding them, uploading images to the forum and probably more actions seems very restrictive to me.

We can see, maximal number of votes awarded to questions is two ( ) compared with several hundreds of views ... so almost nobady is voting in the system, correct? Is this intended? How many users has sufficient reputation for upvoting?

It is probably also not possible to upvote for correct answer, for many users, so a lot of questions is unanswered...

Also it seems, that it is still not possible to unsubscribe from Weekly digest

Thanks for consideration those issues. Ji?í.

asked 23 Apr '19, 07:40

jurafejfar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks you for the comments. You are right that the voting is a function that has never been used much,usually due to the fact that this is a Q&A forum in which most questions has a single answer coming from one of the members of the Open Foris team. We should review its validity. In any case I have changed the configurationso that most users will be able to vote the answers.

We will in the coming weeks add an option to unsubscribe has this is something that have been repeatedly requested.

Regards and let us know if there are other areas where you see we can improve!! It is important for us to get this kind of feedback.

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answered 24 Apr '19, 13:41

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 23 Apr '19, 07:40

question was seen: 2,057 times

last updated: 24 Apr '19, 13:58