Dear Team, I would need your advice on the following: I have an excel database, and I would need to make it accessible online. Is it possible to use openforis for this? Moreover, is possible to develop a Dashboard which allows users to find specific info/data in the online database? Many thanks in advance! Rafa

asked 28 Jan '21, 10:25

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accept rate: 0%

Hello Rafa,

I’m Mino Togna, the lead developer of our new tool: Open Foris Arena!

It is a cloud platform that will be used to collect, analyze and report any type of data.

The software is still under development and a first production release will be expected by mid this year.

Happy to give more info .

Thank you Mino

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answered 29 Jan '21, 11:38

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Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

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question asked: 28 Jan '21, 10:25

question was seen: 2,683 times

last updated: 29 Jan '21, 11:38