Hey, I attempt to create a project by uploading my own plots and sample points (in .shp files). There are 6 plots with 8000+ sample points.

Those files were succefully uploaded, but the project was failed to be created. A pop-up window/message showed
Error creating project: -This action will create 4046/3 samples per plot. The maximum allowed for the selected sample distribution is 200.0

Themanual/guidelinewas followed, and the required columns in the vector data were included for plots (PLOTID) and sample points (PLOTID, SAMPLEID, LONGITUDE, LATITUDE). The manual also stated: Using .csv and .shp files, the maximum number of plots is 50,000 and the total sample point limit is 350,000. So I thought my plot and sample design is acceptable. Has anyone come across this error?

Any suggestion/solution will be much appreciated. Thank you

asked 26 Jun '21, 12:01

Bin_WA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The error message you are getting is valid. You cannot create a plot with 1348 samples in it. The limit for number of samples in a plot is 200. Above this number, it is not practical for a user to be able to select the samples in the map while answering questions.

Consider using more plots to define the same amount of samples.

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answered 29 Jun '21, 17:06

mspencer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Jun '21, 17:07

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question asked: 26 Jun '21, 12:01

question was seen: 1,374 times

last updated: 29 Jun '21, 17:07