
I am using Collect Earth Online to label the cause of tree cover loss. I have uploaded samples as polygons around the tree cover loss, and for the most part I click on the sample polygon and classify it as one of our loss causes (forestry, wildfire, urbanization, etc). However when I download the classified samples or view the "analyzed plots", more often than not the sample polygon has been converted to a point, losing all of the geometry information. So when I save the plot, the samples are polygons, then when I view the "analyzed plot", the samples have been converted to points.

Here is an example of a plot where the samples were correctly saved by Collect Earth as polygons, and here is an example of a plot where the samples were incorrectly converted by Collect Earth to points.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a way I can get around this?


asked 02 Sep '21, 20:24

kl799's gravatar image

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It's a bit hard to know what is happening without more information about how you are creating the project. Are both plots and samples polygons? Which download option are you using?

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answered 06 Sep '21, 21:09

kdyson's gravatar image

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This is certainly not the expected behavior. What project number is this example?

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answered 08 Sep '21, 20:24

mspencer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The project number is 24907! Both the samples and plots were uploaded as polygons within shapefiles.

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answered 09 Sep '21, 20:54

kl799's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Sep '21, 21:00

I have a back up copy of the database I can test against. Your example has already been collected in my back up. Can you find another plot that does the same thing and send me the plot number? While doing your collection try to record your exact steps. (ie did you draw new samples?)

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answered 09 Sep '21, 23:04

mspencer's gravatar image

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question asked: 02 Sep '21, 20:24

question was seen: 1,661 times

last updated: 09 Sep '21, 23:04