Dear OF Colleagues,

I have created a survey in Collect Earth Online and would now like to deploy the survey for data collection. There are approximately 1580 sample locations in the sampling frame. Each sampling unit is made up of 49 control points. The survey was created using a sampling frame with 13 sample points. The sampling approach is random systematic.

When I try to upload the full sampling frame to the survey I receive the following error.

This action will create 56880.0 total samples. The maximum allowed for the selected distribution types is 50000.0

Please could you provide some additional information regarding this error and options to mitigate it, particularly with regards to changing the distribution type.

Many thanks, Wesley

asked 04 Nov '21, 15:03

jwesroberts's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Wesley,

As the error message indicates, you're trying to create a CEO project that has more than 50,000 samples. There are at least three ways to mitigate this. First, you can create your own csv files for plots and samples. This will allow you to have up to 350,000 sample points. Second, you can reduce the number of sampling locations or sample points. Third, you can split your sample locations into two or more projects (e.g. north and south halves of your study area).

Changing the distribution type from systematic to random sampling or vice versa will not alter the maximum number of points allowed.

Hope this helps.

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answered 04 Nov '21, 23:55

kdyson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Many thanks for the speedy response. I will split the survey to facilitate the inventory activities.

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answered 05 Nov '21, 11:00

jwesroberts's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 04 Nov '21, 15:03

question was seen: 1,621 times

last updated: 05 Nov '21, 11:00