
I have multiple fields that contain calculated values. I have checked the box "Include in data export". I even tried just making a test field and I always get the same result: there is nothing in the data export (xml file). All other fields are getting exported just fine.

I did not check the box "Exluse calculated values" when exporting the data from the app.

Hope someone can help, thanks, Lennie

asked 14 Dec '22, 23:41

lenniem's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Sorry for the delay on the reply. Are you speaking about Collect Earth or Collect Earth Online? If it is about Collect Earth, can you share your survey otherwise five more details?


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answered 17 Dec '22, 14:02

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%


thank you for your reply. I'm using the App "Open Foris Collect Mobile" and to create the survey I'm using "Open Foris Collect".

Unfortunately I cannot upload a picture. In the schema when viewing the specific attribute "Include in data export", which is checked. Here is a link to the screenshot via weetransfer: Screenshot Open Foris

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answered 19 Dec '22, 05:35

lenniem's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 14 Dec '22, 23:41

question was seen: 948 times

last updated: 19 Dec '22, 05:35