
II generated the NDFI plot in the deforestation widget tool for an AOI. Can you tell me whether the application allows to download this data? If yes, then how?

Regards, regen

asked 19 Apr '23, 14:53

regenagri's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Apr '23, 11:47

When you collect data in Collect Earth you can then export it to three formats. The Export functions can be found in the Collect Earth Tools menu ( Data Import/Export section )

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The formats you can download the data to are :

  • XML : This is a very important format as it is the one that allows you to easily share the data with other Collect Earth users (in case there are multiple operators collecting data)

  • CSV : This format allows you to load the data collected into Excel/LibreOffice Calc or similar. This way you can review the data with tools you already are familiar with.

  • KML : In the last version of Collect Earth there is a new option to generate a KML file (a Google Earth format) that will show the plots within your database on a map. This is very useful to review the information that has been collected in a spatial manner.
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answered 23 Apr '23, 09:44

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

is this applicable to collect earth online or just collect Earth desktop version?

(24 Apr '23, 11:48) regenagri regenagri's gravatar image

This is for Collect Earth Desktop. CEO has different export functionalities.

(24 Apr '23, 12:03) Open Foris ♦♦ Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Collect Earth online has only export plot and sample data in the project management page and downloading the .kml file. Are there any other data download facility in collect earth online for the deforestation data?

(25 Apr '23, 08:24) regenagri regenagri's gravatar image
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question asked: 19 Apr '23, 14:53

question was seen: 886 times

last updated: 25 Apr '23, 08:24