I am an admin for an institution and I can't tell who is who from the email addresses.

When people sign up for CEO do they enter their country, gender or any other information?

It would be incredible helpful for institution admins to see more information on users than just the email address: for example, someone might be contributing to the wrong project; or we want to see which users from certain countries are validating points, or tally progress by gender.

asked 29 Jun '23, 10:29

aurelies's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

As an institution admin, the amount and type of information you collect during the CEO sign-up process would depend on the specific policies and procedures implemented by your institution. Typically, during the sign-up process, institutions may request various pieces of information from users to better understand their demographics and preferences. This information can include country, gender, age, occupation, interests, and more. Tech Events and Meetups: Attend tech events, conferences, or Android developer meetups where you can network with potential candidates. 7. Review Portfolios and Resumes: https://mlsdev.com/blog/hire-android-developer Once you receive applications or proposals, carefully review the candidates' portfolios, resumes, and past projects to assess their expertise and suitability. To gather additional information about your users beyond their email addresses, you can consider implementing a more comprehensive registration form that asks for these details. Make sure to clearly communicate the purpose of collecting this information and how it will be used to maintain transparency and gain users' consent.

By collecting data such as country, gender, and other relevant information, you can have a more comprehensive understanding of your user base and make informed decisions regarding project contributions, validation processes, and progress tracking. However, it is important to handle this data with care, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and obtaining proper consent from users.

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answered 17 Jul '23, 13:38

milesmi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jul '23, 11:15

thank you - where can I find information on how to create a more comprehensive registration form?

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answered 17 Jul '23, 14:08

aurelies's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 29 Jun '23, 10:29

question was seen: 1,155 times

last updated: 25 Jul '23, 11:15