Hi all,

I was wondering if Open Foris comes with an integrated alert system for deforestation? Our team is discussing how to efficiently monitor deforestation of farm land.

We are hoping to use a system with real time monitoring and alert system and wondering if OpenForis would help with this.

Thank you in advance!

asked 22 Aug '24, 03:21

Koichi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Would you be able to describe a bit better what your goals are?

Within Open Foris we have tools for data collection like Collect, Arena, Ground and Collect Earth as well as remote-sensing tools like SEPAL that allows you to create processing chains to generate maps (i.e. deforestation, forest/no forest, land cover maps) or Earth Map which gives you an easy way to access a multitude of global layers (some of them on forest and deforestation). We also have specific versions of the Earth Map tool like Whisp LINK that focuses on EUDR deforestation assessment due-diligence.

Let us know what you are thinking to develop with a bit more detail,

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answered 05 Sep '24, 16:14

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 22 Aug '24, 03:21

question was seen: 5,145 times

last updated: 05 Sep '24, 16:14