Hi devs,

Since yesterday we are facing issues with missing sub-plots in our projects when we download the csv sample data output, one project example is this below:

LUCC_Roraima_HRP_2014_2023_sample5_n510 - https://app.collect.earth/review-project?projectId=49111

For example, in that project plots 81, 221, 267, 279, 312, 323, 420, 442, 479, 483, 491, 493 are bugging. They apparently randomly miss some of the 16 sub-samples that were collected. We could not find a pattern in what kinds of sub-plots go missing in the csv. The only way to "fix" this was by reassigning the response to all sub-plots to another answer, saving, going back, reassigning the response to the previous answer, one by one (a lot of work), and then when you download the csv all the sub-plots that you go through this procedure will show in the csv. In the figure example attached is plot 81 where it only shows 3 sub-plots with answers where in the Platform it has all of them answered (attaching google drive link to the image because apparently i dont have enough reputation to post in the forum hehe -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/18yiu_BS_4t2Mv7wazYHlJhlkKT7GORpp/view?usp=sharing). This project and many others were working as normal and exporting all sub-plots until last week, so it should not be something we changed in the responses.

Could you help us? There are several projects that were working 100% no issue before yesterday, but yesterday something changed and now we have missing sub-plots in many projects. Thanks!


Ricardo Dalagnol

asked 18 Mar, 20:19

ricds's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Mar, 08:39

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦


I have also been experiencing this issue over the past several days. This morning it seemed to be resolved for 2/3 surveys. There is no consistency in which plots drop samples or how many samples are dropped (some drop 15, some drop 33). I also noticed that upon downloading the sample csv, the samples are mixed between plots.

(20 Mar, 15:22) jessicaertel jessicaertel's gravatar image

Thanks for reporting this issue! I just downloaded the sample plots for the project you linked (many thanks) and don't see any plot with fewer than 16 samples. Some have 48 (16 x 3 reviewers).

The issue may have been solved by a bug fix pushed recently. Could you please let me know if you're still having the same issue?

Thank you! Karen

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answered 21 Mar, 22:46

kdyson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It was fixed the next day - I was also in contact with Andrea who told me about a fix that would be pushed that night. Thanks for the reply and the great work!

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answered 22 Mar, 04:42

ricds's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Mar, 20:19

question was seen: 116 times

last updated: 22 Mar, 04:42