Is it possible to skip over pages marked as 'Hide when not relevant'. In OFCM the page is greyed out but I still have to swipe through the options. Can i change this?

asked 15 Feb '16, 14:41

liamcostello's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Like you noticed, Collect Mobile will never hide relevant attributes or entities.

In order to have a responsive and fluid user interface, Collect Mobile validates and saves of data in the background. Typically, this happens so fast that it isn’t noticeable. In rare cases, however, (slow device or validation rule including a lot of data), it can happen that the user moved on to another attribute before previous attribute completed its validation. This is not an issue, not blocking the user and allowing continued data entry is exactly the reason we do these operations in the background.

Once the first attribute completed, the second attribute might not be relevant any more. The attribute will then be grayed out while the user is entering data for it. If the attribute was removed instead of being grayed out, might be very confusing for the user.

We’re aware that current solution isn’t ideal, but still believe it's worth trading off the ability to remove non-relevant nodes for a less confusing user experience. Any comments or suggestions are very welcome.

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answered 16 Feb '16, 12:01

wiell's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 15 Feb '16, 14:41

question was seen: 4,114 times

last updated: 16 Feb '16, 12:01