How is the data collected from Collect Mobile being transferred to the server? |
The process is at the moment, unfortunately more cumbersome then we’d like. This is, obviously, a very important step, which we’d like to streamline further. • In Collect Mobile, you select export in the action menu. This will create a “” file in your device’s working directory, containing the data you collected. You can go to “Settings” to find out where your working directory is located. • Select your survey in the “Data management” section of Collect Server. Note that you can only manage data when your survey has been published. • Below the table of records, next to the “Add”, “Edit”, and “Delete” buttons, you have “Advanced functions” (with a gear as icon). Click that button and select “Import data”. • Select “From XML (Backup)” as the import type, then click “Select file to import”. • Locate and select your “” file, then finally click “Start to import”. Now the records you collected using Collect Mobile should show up. |
I received the following message during the import of data: "Error during the data import: Source must not be null"... What does it mean? And what are the possible solutions? |