Hi there,

I am preparing a survey that will be used for repeated measurements/observations on the same entities (plots, trees, regeneration). Therefore I have a table with multiple entries (measurements) per tree. Same for regeneration plots and so on. The initial survey will be done in multiple teams (and tablets). I was looking for an option to upload the compiled data back on the tablets later. It would be nice (and important) to see the old measurement while the teams are doing the re-measurements later.

while trying to do this I found no way to upload a collect-data file to the mobile device (only the other way around). A survey that is imported as collect-mobile file on a mobile device is always just an empty "survey definition" without any data. Is there a way to import a survey with data on a mobile device?

Thank you, Lutz

asked 23 Feb '17, 15:35

Fehrmann's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Lutz,

Collect Mobile doesn’t provide any way of uploading data at the moment. The best you can do for now is to export the data from Collect, perhaps in CSV format, or if you have some other process to generate reports from the data. That data can then be copied to the mobile device, and opened it in a separate application.

We are still thinking on the best way to support re-measurements, and QA workflows.

Regards, Daniel

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answered 24 Feb '17, 12:24

wiell's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Dear Lutz and Daniel,

I also hope that we can both import and export data in Collect mobile (perhaps using the same format of the 'collect-data' format that is used for Collect Data Managemement (import and export).

Making it possible to import one or more records from 'data management' into collect mobile, we can prepare and verify records with supporting information for field work (first inventory or later checking and updating).

In this way we can also without problem/fear of losing already exported data: 'overwrite' full records in collect data management.

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answered 13 Mar '17, 14:30

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear OF Team,

May I bump this question and ask if there has been any developments to data import to CM?

Thanks! Andras

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answered 05 Jul '18, 15:44

Andras's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 23 Feb '17, 15:35

question was seen: 4,165 times

last updated: 05 Jul '18, 15:44