
I have been unable to find calculated values that are within a table in Saiku (for example, I have a table where the rows are each land use-land cover class and I have 2 columns: one for the interpreter to count the number of dots in each class (I can find this one), and one for a calculated field for the % of the plot in each class (I cannot find this one anywhere in the Saiku list of fields)).

This is major because I want to average the values in the calculated field (e.g., percent area in each land use-land cover class) across all my plots.

Has anyone faced this problem? If so, could you solve it?



asked 21 Sep '17, 13:44

flandsberg's gravatar image

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question asked: 21 Sep '17, 13:44

question was seen: 4,247 times

last updated: 21 Sep '17, 13:44