
I need to put Collect Earth on 11 computers with identical configurations. I am wondering if it is possible to "install" Collect Earth by simply downloading and uncompressing a zip file into a folder.



asked 16 Nov '17, 22:51

jinkaizhang's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello Jinkai,

I would recommend you to just use the installer.

If for some reason you cannot run the installer, then you might copy the contents of the folder C:/OpenForis/CollectEarth (compress it into a ZIP file) into these computers (if possible in the same location C:/Openforis/CollectEarth ). You will also to create a shortcut to C:/OpenForis/CollectEarth/CollectEarth-launcher.exe in the desktop or so that you can access Collect Earht easily.

The installer creates "link" between CEP files and Collect Earth. If you don't use the installer you need to create this link manually. This is easy, just right-click on a CEP file and select "Open with..." then "Choose default program" and then you will need to click on the browse button to find the CollectEarthLauncher.exe file"

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Let me know if this is fine!

permanent link

answered 17 Nov '17, 15:21

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 16 Nov '17, 22:51

question was seen: 2,573 times

last updated: 17 Nov '17, 15:21