We are using Collect Earth for an assessment where several operators are collecting data at the same time.

Collect Earth is set-up so that it uses SQLite so that each operator has its own database in his computer.

How do I combine the data collected by the users so that we can run the Saiku analysis using all the collected data?

asked 04 Oct '14, 23:35

collector's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

So the process to achieve the integration of all the collected data is quite simple:

  • First you ask the users that are participating on the assessment to export the data as an XML file (actually the results of the export is a ZIP file containing the collected data as XML files inside it)

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  • Then they should send the exported files to a shared network or dropbox folder or an e-mail address so that everyone has access to them. You should probably ask the users to rename the exported files to something meaningful like the regions they have assessed or the plot id ranges, otherwise the standard name of the exported ZIP file is collectDataExport_FULL_ZIP_WITH_XML.zip which is not so descriptive if you have 20 files like it.

  • Finally the last step is to import the data. You can just go to Tools->Data Import/Export->Import data from XML and after that select the files (the dialog allows you to select multiple files) that contained the exported data.

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So know all the data that was collected from the different computers is integrated on the database of the computer where the data was imported. Obviously you can do this import process on one or several of the PCs.

Afterwards you will be able to start Saiku (using Tools->Start Saiku Analysis) and analyze all of the collected data.

IMPORTANT!!! The order in which you import the data matters. If you have been using a province or a set of data as the training plots for the users make sure to import the file that contains the " good data" for those plots last! If you then are prompeted if you want to overwrite the data on the database with this data click yes, as you know that this last file contains the data that was assessed correctly and not data that was just filled as a test.

IMPORTANT 2!!!! If you want to make sure that there are no data overlaps you should probably delete the database file ( see this answer ) after you have completed the training of the users and before you start the real assessment.

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answered 09 Oct '14, 00:09

sanchez_paus's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

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question asked: 04 Oct '14, 23:35

question was seen: 11,769 times

last updated: 26 Aug '15, 17:16