Rather than systematic grids, can I format other grids in Collect Earth? If so, how can I change the grid formation?

asked 15 Oct '14, 16:52

QsFromIUFRO's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello Yes you can put any type of grid points into Collect Earth (i.e. Random Stratified) but you have to design the grid yourself, in a GIS software or Mathematical tool (R or MatLab for instance). Collect Earth will not create a grid, just read it. As Mentionned in this post, the only important thing is that the structure of the file points respects the following structure (a minima) ID, LAT, LON, ELEV, SLOPE, ASPECT, REGION

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answered 17 Oct '14, 10:43

lecrabe's gravatar image

lecrabe ♦
accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 15 Oct '14, 16:52

question was seen: 5,559 times

last updated: 17 Oct '14, 10:43