Hello, When we start Calc it does not go to the home screen but instead it says "R executable directory must contain valid R executable file". When we put the directory in line it does not accept it. What are we doing wrong? Calc Version: 2.1 R Version: 3.4.3 Thanks

asked 29 Jan '18, 10:49

kristoferd's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Did you put a valid directory? Note it should be the full path of where r.exe is located.

Also, make sure you install R in a folder without space.

E.g. C:\opt\R\R.3.3.1\bin

Thank you


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answered 29 Jan '18, 11:31

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

Hi Folks,

this is the case that happens nowadays almost every time with Calc and R because files and folders under C:\Program files are Read-only by default (by Windows). In this case, R (and RStudio) puts all packages under C:\Users\USERNAME... and Calc can not find them. Calc assumes that R packages are under Library folder in the same path where R is installed.

There are multiple solutions to fix this, until Calc programmer fixes this.

Solution 1) Right click C:\Program files\R and take a tag out from Read-only. Then reinstall all packages in R/Rstudio so that the target in the Library folder under that path.

Solution 2) Remove Read-only tag as above. Copy all installed R packages from C:\Users\USERNAME... to C:\Program files\R\R_VERSION\Library\ and start using Calc

Solution 3) Reinstall R under C:\Users\Public.. and reinstall all R packages. This is not a Read-only folder by default.

I strongly wish that this issue can be solved in Calc without these tricks by its users.


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answered 02 Feb '18, 12:34

Lauri%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Lauri (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 29 Jan '18, 10:49

question was seen: 3,024 times

last updated: 02 Feb '18, 12:34