Dear all, I have created a grid in QGIS and uploaded it to collect earth. Everything looks fine. However, I cannot view this grid in google earth. There are no error messages. |
Hi Jason, Can you please be more specific? Maybe you can post the first lines of the CSV file? Are there any message on the Application log? ( You can access it from Help->Open Application log file ) |
Ok, So I have received in a private e-mail the CSV that Jason is trying to import into Collect Earth ( Important Note : he is using the standard Collect Earth demo of the LUCAS survey ). So, the CSV itself looks fine, BUT Jason is using the LUCAS demo which expects an extra column with the region name. For instance if you open the andalucia.ced file with Notepad or Excel (that you can find inside C:/OpenForis/CollectEarth/lucas_demo ) then you see that at the end of each line there is a column that says ,andalucia As a rule of thumb if you are going to extend a survey that is already working make sure to have the same columns that the survey expects, otherwise it is not going to work. So if you are going to be using the Lucas Demo survey you need to add this region column to your CSV. There are other surveys that don not need this column but a lot of them do ( including the ones that can be downloaded as LULUCF demos under the Collect Earth download link ) |
Hello, I experienced this same problem when using the project file. When reading in a csv file the 6 column headings shown in the plot data (ID/YCOORD/XCOORD/ELEVATION/SLOPE/ASPECT), the file would not load. However when following the template from the csv file located within the project which had 13 columns. The extra columns were filled with the value 0 and then the csv was successfully read. It seems like the CSV file format is specific for each project. Is there a way to change these specifications for the project? Thanks! Yelena
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Hello Yelena, If you work with the Global Forest Change accuracy version I really recommend you to add it to the CSV data! You can easily add this data using this Google Earth Engine Playground URL : Just upload your plot file as a Fusion table, make it public and change the reference in the GEE script using the new Fusion table ID. If you have this data already in the plot location files you will be able to use it in Saiku to make easy analysis on the data collected ( as an extra to other analysis you might be doing in R or whatever) If you really don't want to add this data you will have to remove the reference to this "extra columns" in the KML template file located in the CEP (which can be uncompressed as a ZIP) ( called kml_template.fmt ). Remove the extra Data tags :
So remove the Data tags for which you don't have data ( including the region a country if you don't have those columns either! Hope this was a clear explanation! |