Hi all,

Is it possible to set up data entry in Collect Earth in a way that the sampling plots would be randomly and automatically attributed to several users (e.g. based on the id of each plot)?

Or this must be prepared previously, by dividing the grid in several parts (e.g using QGIS) and then provide each part of the grid to the users that will collect the data?

P.S. Anyone knows why Collect is not working? The web browser opens but then it does not start (I have installed the most recent version).


asked 12 Apr '18, 12:15

cilopes's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


There is an utility within Collect Earth that allows you to divide (and randomize) a large CSV file into smaller ones.

So, say that you produced a very large CSV file through (for instance) the tool that has been developed for Google Earth Engine : Grid Generation Tool

You generate a large CSV and you want to divide this among the (let's say) 10 operators that will be collecting the data. You should follow these steps :

  • Finish the survey design in Collect Survey Designer and export the CEP file so that it can be opened by Collect Earth.
  • Make sure that the large CSV file that you want to divide has the right structure (meaning the right order of the columns). You can always check what the expected structure of the CSV file is by clicking on the survey designer "tools icon" and then choose "Export Collect Earth grid template". This function generates a CSV file with dummy data, make sure that your large CSV has the same column headers!!!

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  • In Collect Earth go to Tools->Utilities->Divide large CSV files and then you get a dialog that allows you to divide the large CSV file into multiple files, with the option to randomize the order and also to divide them using a value in one of the columns (this usually is useful when you have a "region"column in the CSV and you want to divide the file by region so that operators are given CSV files depending on the region they come from)

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  • Now you need to choose your large CSV file and choose the amount of CSV files you want to divide it into and if the resulting order should be randomized or not...

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The result of this would be these files (that you later need to add to your survey through the Files tab in the survey designer )

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  • If for instance you have a region column, and you want to divide the files according to that region ( so for instance you end up with 3 CSV files per region ) you would use these options:

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Then the result would be 5 csv files per region (there are randomized and non randomized versions of the CSV files, see the "randomized" folder ):

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Now that you have all of these CSV files you want to put them inside the survey so that they are included with the rest of the files inside the CEP.

You can do this though the Collect Survey Designer. In the main tab when you are editing the survey you have the option to upload files into the CEP file. Click on the Green plus button to add a file:

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Then choose the Grid file type and select the file that you want to add. Do this for each file!

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answered 13 Apr '18, 11:20

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 12 Apr '18, 12:15

question was seen: 3,641 times

last updated: 13 Apr '18, 11:20