Dear all,

Is it possible to design a survey omitting the “sampling point list" and enabling Collect Mobile to record directly from any point in the field? It would be great if somebody knows how to do this and sharing a small guideline how to design such survey?

I thought about assigning a unique ID to the coordinates, and/or a combination the coordinates and the sampling date, hour, minute (to avoid duplication of IDs); but first i need to avoid an error message when i omit the "sampling point file"!

It would also be great (in the future) to enter such IDs by location via a map, e.g. Google if online or a downloaded OSM for offline use. There are several apps that operate in this way, e.g. (Geo) ODK and ObsMapp (an interesting app for flora&fauna inventory).

Cheers, Joseph

asked 02 May '18, 12:10

joseph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Jos,
The sampling point file is not required in Collect, you can define a survey without it.
Where do you get the error message of missing Sampling point file?
Thanks for your suggestions, we will try to include them in the future release of Collect.
Open Foris Team

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answered 03 May '18, 15:44

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

As you said: a survey/questionnaire is now possible without using a predefined sampling list (and without a species list)! Only a key attribute is needs to be defined (to keep the design error free). Thanks

(09 Dec '18, 18:19) joseph joseph's gravatar image
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question asked: 02 May '18, 12:10

question was seen: 1,954 times

last updated: 09 Dec '18, 18:19