Latest installer of Collect Earth (1.6.33 from download page) for Win is missing PostgreSQL JDBC driver. This causes Saiku error:

12:12:00,143 WARN  [RolapUtil] Mondrian: Warning: JDBC driver org.postgresql.Driver not found
12:12:00,143 WARN  [RolapUtil] Mondrian: Warning: JDBC driver sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver not found
12:12:00,174 WARN  [RolapUtil] Mondrian: Warning: JDBC driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver not found
mondrian.olap.MondrianException: Mondrian Error:Internal error: Error while creating SQL connection: Jdbc=jdbc:postgresql://HereIsOurIPaddress:5432/CollectEarthDb; JdbcUser=HereIsOurUser; JdbcPassword=HereIsOurPass
        at mondrian.resource.MondrianResource$_Def0.ex(
        at mondrian.olap.Util.newInternal(
        at mondrian.olap.Util.newError(
        at mondrian.rolap.RolapConnection.<init>(
        at mondrian.rolap.RolapSchema.<init>(
        at mondrian.rolap.RolapSchema.<init>(

asked 10 May '18, 09:01

jurafejfar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The newest version of Collect Earth (1.6.34) fixes the issue. Thanks for reporting it.

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answered 19 May '18, 08:57

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

According to similar problem reported here, put postgresql-42.2.2.jar into tomcat/lib directory (e.g. C:\OpenForis\CollectEarth\saiku-server_2.6\tomcat\lib on Win or /home/vagrant/OpenForis/CollectEarth/saiku-server_2.6/tomcat/lib on Linux).

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answered 10 May '18, 09:09

jurafejfar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 May '18, 13:08

Thank you for reporting the issue and even providing a fix yourself!!

We will add this library to the Saiku distributed within Collect Earth. There was already a PostgreSQL driver in it but it seems not to be compatible with the newest Postgres 10

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answered 11 May '18, 11:15

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Dear developers,

CollectEarth installer version 1.7.12 (for win) is missing PostgreSQL JDBC driver again. To fix connection to latest PostgreSQL DB, it is necessary to download postgresql-42.2.5.jar and put it to C:\OpenForis\CollectEarth\saiku-server_2.6\tomcat\lib (on win).

With best regards, Jiri.

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answered 03 Apr '19, 11:09

jurafejfar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Apr '19, 11:10

Thanks for your comment! The PostgreSQL JDBC driver should already be in C:\OpenForis\CollectEarth\saiku-server_2.6\tomcat\webapps\saiku\WEB-INF\lib , perhaps the issue was that this was an old version...

In any case, the next version of Collect Earth will include the new JAR file in both locations so that we are sure.

(03 Apr '19, 17:01) Open Foris ♦♦ Open%20Foris's gravatar image
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question asked: 10 May '18, 09:01

question was seen: 6,939 times

last updated: 03 Apr '19, 17:01