SO I want to use openforis collect mobile on the Juniper CT7G, what are some file types I can export data from the handheld in...

asked 01 Oct '18, 20:01

shuba's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello Shuba,

Juniper CT7G is an Android rugged device. This means that you must start but installing Collect Mobile from the Google Play store.

There is a default survey that you can open the first time Collect Mobile is started so that you can review its functionality.

If you want to create your own survey then you will need to download Open Foris Collect, which contains a Survey Designer tool which will allow you to add all the variables, validations and so on necessary for your needs. Once th survey is ready you can export it as a Collect Mobile project and then put it in your Juniper (send by e-mail to yourslef or connect the device to the computer) and import the survey into Collect Mobile.

You can find documentation on creating surveys here LINK TO MANUAL

permanent link

answered 02 Oct '18, 12:27

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Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 01 Oct '18, 20:01

question was seen: 1,828 times

last updated: 02 Oct '18, 12:27