Hello OpenForis-Team,

i created a survey with Collect and now i test it on a Samsung Tab A with Collect Mobile. However, no decimal separator is displayed on the keyboard.

Any suggestions?

Thanks. Rene

asked 19 Nov '18, 21:54

rwoerde's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Hi Andras,

thanks for your answer. The number attributes i meant are set to real. But it seems that the Samsung Tab keyboard do not work correctly in my case. So i tried the Google keyboard and now it works.


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answered 21 Nov '18, 09:32

rwoerde's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Hi Rene,

Good to know, I might run into the same problem in the near future.

(21 Nov '18, 11:02) Andras Andras's gravatar image

We experienced that this is a general problem with Samsung devices, same problem occurs on e.g. Samsung Galaxy S8. Its not nice but it might work if you install another keyboard on your device.

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answered 07 Jun '19, 08:58

jesnw's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Rene,

This usually happens with number attributes set to integer and not real. I guess the Android version is fairly recent, no?

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answered 20 Nov '18, 10:23

Andras's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have a similar question. How is it possible to enter negative numbers in Collect Mobile? In the Samsung Tab A keyboard, the minus sign is missing. Do I also need to install a new keyboard?

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answered 22 Jun '19, 22:32

Sabrina's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


the one reason of this problem could be tablet language, try to change language to "English (United Kingdom)".

settings -> General management -> Language and input -> Language -> English (United Kingdom)

best regards


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answered 09 Aug '19, 14:16

beka's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 19 Nov '18, 21:54

question was seen: 6,363 times

last updated: 09 Aug '19, 14:16