I'm having trouble generating grids with Google Earth Engine. I've managed to succeed with a province but when I've drawn a shapefile from which I'd like to have grids generated, I don't know what to do next. Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you!

asked 28 Nov '18, 11:28

hugobennetts's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Here is the update Google Earth Engine App to generate grids :


This should make creating grids a bit easier!

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answered 30 Mar '19, 22:53

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

Hello Hugo,

If you have a shapefile ( *.shp ) of your own that you want to use to generate the grids then you can upload the shapefile as an Asset to Google Earth Engine. Please follow this guide that explains how to upload a shapefile as an asset. Make sure that the asset is shared ( as the GEE App will not be using your user info, so the new asset needs to be accessible by anyone)

Then you need to specify in the script that you want to use a Feature Collection rather than a country in the first option of the script (LINK TO THE SCRIPT). There you choose the first option "Use Feature Collection (Fusion table/Asset)"

alt text

When you choose this first option there is a text field that gets enable where you can set the path to the asset in your user folder ( or to an asset that has been shared by another user). This path will look something like this : users/YOU_USERNAME/NAME_OF_ASSET . For instance you can test with one of mine users/sanchezpaus/ITA_adm1 . If instead of an asset (shapefile) you are using a Fusion Table (imported KML) you need to get the ID of the Fusion Table. You can get it in the Google Drive Fusion Table interface, in File->About this table. Then in the text field you will have to use the prefix ft: followed by the Fusion Table ID. Here another example you can use : ft:1zlbOD-QPIEF-cNw-eclaIrze70MXN6jJG4GRRO0X

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Afterwards you can proceed with the rest of the procedure to generate the grid ( important to set the right EPSG code to get a good distance between plots ). Try not to set a distance of less than 500 meters so you don't get huge CSVs.

Let me know if this answered the question and if you have any other problems with the tool.

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answered 29 Nov '18, 14:21

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

edited 19 Mar '20, 14:53

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦

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question asked: 28 Nov '18, 11:28

question was seen: 18,899 times

last updated: 19 Mar '20, 14:53