
i just switched from Windows 7 to windows 10, and realized that Collect Earth won't open the Bing Maps as i clicked on the plot. But it did well on my windows 7 computer. I tried to switch to Firefox, but the problem is the same. Below are errors i got:

[ERROR] 2018-11-30 08:38:57 Exception opening Bing Maps window org.openforis.collect.earth.app.service.BrowserNotFoundException: Neither Chrome nor Firefox could be opened. You need to have one of them installed in order to use GEE, Bing Maps or Saiku. at org.openforis.collect.earth.app.service.BrowserService.chooseDriver(BrowserService.java:156) ~[CollectEarth.jar:?] at org.openforis.collect.earth.app.service.BrowserService.initBrowser(BrowserService.java:264) ~[CollectEarth.jar:?] at org.openforis.collect.earth.app.service.BrowserService.openBingMaps(BrowserService.java:437) ~[CollectEarth.jar:?] at org.openforis.collect.earth.app.server.PlacemarkBrowserServlet$OpenBrowserThread$2.run(PlacemarkBrowserServlet.java:123) [CollectEarth.jar:?]

What is the problem?



asked 30 Nov '18, 16:51

jinkaizhang's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Jinkai,

Try to make sure that Chrome and Firefox are actually installed in the computer. Maybe restart the PC after you installed them to make sure that Collect Earth can find them.

If they cannot be found then you will have to set up the path to the Chrome executable directly in the Tools -> Properties dialog.

Usually the Chrome.exe file executable should be found in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application folder. Maybe for some reason the path is different in your installation of Windows 10???

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answered 30 Nov '18, 16:59

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

I am pretty sure Chrome and firefox are installed on my computer. i also put Chrome executable directly in the Tools -> Properties dialog. The same thing, the same error.

(30 Nov '18, 17:14) jinkaizhang jinkaizhang's gravatar image
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question asked: 30 Nov '18, 16:51

question was seen: 2,395 times

last updated: 30 Nov '18, 17:14