Dear OF Team,

Is the information in SPD accessible in Calc even if the data is not explicitly displayed in the survey form? We're planning to put administrative units information in SPD and want to be able to access it in Calc.

Thanks! Andras

asked 23 Jan '19, 09:34

Andras's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hello Andras,

Unfortunately the Sampling point data are not imported from Collect into Calc.

A workaround would be to import again the SPD into calc using the external tables import feature.

Please, let me know if this helps.



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answered 23 Jan '19, 12:54

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

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question asked: 23 Jan '19, 09:34

question was seen: 2,929 times

last updated: 23 Jan '19, 12:54