How can I write dryland regions to csv in script Code? |
Hi syildiz, Could you please elaborate a bit more on what you want? I don't really understand the question.... /Open Foris |
? would like to add region code. For example I could been read elevation, aspect, slope from SRTM data using script code. How can ? add the other data using script. for example, world ecozone maps (dryland, semidryland etc..). Besides, I have three different area partitioning the same area but they are vector data that include volue field. How can ? add this vector data using script or should am I convert vector to raster then write script code. I hope that I could explained...
Hello Syldiz, basically you need to upload the shapefiles with the information (ecozones, drylands regions, etc... ) to a fusion table using ( see the answer to this other question where this method is used to get the name of the province where the plots is located in Spain) Once the shapefile is transformed to a fusion table it can be accessed by Google Earth Engine and using the reduceRegions method one can add the information on the province to the CSV. What are the specific columns you want to add, same as the ones for the drylands assessment survey? |