Hello! Im trying to get familiarized with Open Foris tools. For now I want to export existing survey from desktop to android phone. Using recently updated Collect for PC (Version: 3.24.4, OS - Linux Arch). I have downloaded survey templates from this page http://www.openforis.org/materials.html, then imported them into Collect for PC without problems (except 'Edit' function didnt work), then exported to collect-mobile and transferred to phone`s memory. But android app cannot import none of those files. Says 'Failed to import survey... Make sure you are running the latest version...'. Tried latest app from Play Store and this one https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10yVSSpDFRw7HxcHzhgmUhGkbAvAkXaGG Tried to export to mobile both published and unpublished surveys

asked 24 Jan '19, 08:05

regfe89's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear user,
Please verify that the .collect-mobile file you exported from Collect and copied into your device is not empty.
Also, please update Collect Mobile to the latest version; you should see a detailed error message in case there is an error during survey import.
Let us know, many thanks.
Open Foris Team

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answered 24 Jan '19, 17:13

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Dear colleague, I think that I got the same issue on some android phones (some phones import successfully and others did not). I have not yet understood it fully, but I suspect that this is a problem of sd card setting on the phone, i.e. your phone is not able to write to your sd card. Because when I tried to copy the folder created on a phone that could import the survey onto the right location of the phone that did not work (on sd card, Android, ...org.openforis ... data... survey); and I then started Collect, now the problematic phone was opening the survey without problem; it could simply not install it from the .collect-mobile file because he seemed to not be able to write to the sd card. Formatting the sd card, with setting as external memory, worked for those phones (they were then able to write on the sd card). I hope this helps. Bruno

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answered 25 Jan '19, 03:28

bsenterre's gravatar image

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Dear Bruno,
Collect Mobile requires a permission to write on the external SD card; could it be that the user rejects that request that comes from Collect Mobile?
In a near future we will make that request a little bit less scary than what is now, explaining why such permissions are required.
Let us know, many thanks.
Open Foris Team

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answered 25 Jan '19, 18:07

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Dear colleague, I tried on several phones for colleagues and I am pretty sure that when installing Collect for them I accepted authorization to the app. Redoing the same but with a new sd card solved the issue. I assumed that my colleague's initial sd card had been installed with different setting, maybe not allowing any app to write to the sd card? When there was the issue, installing Collect was successfull, and some folders had been created on the sd card (Android/data/org.openforis.collect/files/, but not down to the last folder "surveys"). When trying to load a .collect-mobile survey file, the operation failed. I don't if this helps. Best wishes, Bruno

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answered 26 Jan '19, 10:56

bsenterre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 24 Jan '19, 08:05

question was seen: 3,416 times

last updated: 26 Jan '19, 10:56