
I have been facing problems that, unfortunately, undermine the reliability of CE:

1) Operators are able to save their card even if they didn’t fill in required fields, which prevents the survey to avoid errors upfront. (similarly, we need to get warning messages to work to help prevent errors upfront). 2) operators were not always able to edit their entry if they realized they had made errors (e.g., they chose the wrong land use-land cover).

I plan on promoting the use of CE for monitoring tree-based landscape restoration but need these bugs addressed in the system first.

I am happy to try and test but I cannot fix the back-end of the program so I am afraid I need help...



asked 27 Mar '19, 16:44

flandsberg's gravatar image

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question asked: 27 Mar '19, 16:44

question was seen: 821 times

last updated: 27 Mar '19, 16:44