Hi Mino et al.,

when trying to load my calculations from R Studio into the database via Calc, I get the following error (see below). In R, all the scripts run smoothly. Where do I have to look?

Error in 'R Scripts - Processing chain' 2019-04-03 18:15:12 step : 1-init.R INFO: Processing chain started Lade nötiges Paket: DBI Lade nötiges Paket: gsubfn Lade nötiges Paket: proto Lade nötiges Paket: RSQLite 2019-04-03 18:15:14 step : - ERROR: Error in postgresqlExecStatement(conn, statement, ...): RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : FEHLER: Spalte »plot_id_« mehrmals angegeben )

Thank you so much for your help!

asked 03 Apr '19, 18:45

wexxo's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Hi all,

in the meantime, I identified the cause of the above error as an incompatible sampling design. The sampling design set-up in Calc did not fit the uploaded survey structure. With an adequate sampling strategy defined, the R-script base calculations are loaded into the database without any problem.

Maybe this is of help to others.



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answered 16 Apr '19, 07:07

wexxo's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 03 Apr '19, 18:45

question was seen: 10,657 times

last updated: 16 Apr '19, 07:07