Dear developers,

we have found an error when saiku (CE version 1.8.0 build 2019-04-12) tries to get label of lookup table with multi-language labels:

PSQLException: ERROR: column c_fra_class_code_fra_class_code_code.c_fra_class_code_fra_class_code_label_ does not exist Rada: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "c_fra_class_code_fra_class_code_code.c_fra_class_code_fra_class_code_label". Pozice: 98

saiku generates column name

c_fra_class_code_fra_class_code_label_ (note finale underscore)

but available columns are


screenshots (not able to upload directly here :-/ uploading images is limited to users with >60 reputation points):

Is it possible to somehow tell saiku which language to use? Or to use default label (without final _en for example)?


It is possible to rename column in rddcollectsaiku schema to contain final underscore. After that saiku is working fine.

asked 17 Apr '19, 11:10

jurafejfar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Thank you very much for reporting and investigating the issue.

We introduced this error a couple of versions ago in Open Foris Collect. The cube definition is actually generated when the user exports the survey as a CEP file (inside the CEP file a file called collectEarthCubes.xml.fmt is generated, this is a freemarker template file)

We have fixed this issue on the latest version of Collect.

So the easiest way to get rid of it is to update to Collect 3.24.19 and afterwards export the CEP file again.

Thank you again!

permanent link

answered 17 Apr '19, 11:16

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Thanks, update of Collect solved the issue.

BTW, I am not able to upvote your answer nor award points to you because of not enough reputation. Those rules seems very restrictive to me.

(23 Apr '19, 07:26) jurafejfar jurafejfar's gravatar image
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question asked: 17 Apr '19, 11:10

question was seen: 2,451 times

last updated: 23 Apr '19, 07:26