Hey to all,

I face the follwing problem: I am playing around with the labels in Saiku and so far I added labels in an unpublished suvey, published it, opened Saiku, had a look, closed it again, unpublished the survey, changed the labels, published it again,... I repeated this process several times and it worked well, but all of a sudden Saiku always interrupts the process of starting itself or creating a database.

I tried to:
- choose another survey
- start collect again
- reload the page

Without any result.

Does anyone have a clue what happened?

Thanks a lot,

Kind regards :)

asked 18 Apr '19, 15:18

Lydia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hey again, one addition to this question: Today, I get the error "Generating Saiku Database FAILED Error processing RDB generation events". Does anyone know what to do?

(19 Apr '19, 09:36) Lydia Lydia's gravatar image

Hey all together,

I deinstalled and installed Collect, then everything worked fine again ;)

Kind regards :)

permanent link

answered 06 May '19, 07:01

Lydia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Apr '19, 15:18

question was seen: 3,116 times

last updated: 06 May '19, 07:01