
when installing Calc on a fresh Window 7 system with a new R installation I recieve the following error:

alt text

The R-script used in the installation commits the following code: install.packages("DBI_0.2-7.zip".repos=NULL) However, to be correctly applied by R it shoud be recoded into: install.packages("DBI_0.2-7.zip".repos=NULL,type="source")

I can change the R install script but this won't help to finish the intallation.

How can we fix that issue und then run the installation?

asked 01 Jun '15, 10:12

pmagdon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


thank you for reporting this.

It seems that with R-3.2 there's this problem. With R 3.1 the problem doesn't happen.

I have opened an issue https://github.com/openforis/calc/issues/9 .

However if you need to use Calc before the fix, please use R 3.1

Thank you,


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answered 01 Jun '15, 11:33

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

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question asked: 01 Jun '15, 10:12

question was seen: 4,680 times

last updated: 01 Jun '15, 11:33