
I'm not having any luck getting Calc 2.1 to run on my windows 10 (64-bit) machine.

I followed the instructions from the manual (http://www.openforis.org/tools/calc/tutorials/calc-21-user-manual.html).

I had previously installed JDK (13.0.2) and Collect (3.25.1) at C:\OpenForis\Collect. This worked and I was able to import data to Collect. I made sure that JRE_HOME and JAVA_HOME both point to the right place and that the Java bin folder is in Windows' Path environment variable.

I then installed Postgress and set the appropriate password. I can see via PG_Admin that it's running as expected.

I installed R (3.6.2) at c:\opt\R and I installed R-Studio (at "C:\Program Files\RStudio"). I added the required packages through R-Studio (RPostgresSQL and sqldf).

I then installed Calc which produced a shortcut on the desktop. I double click the Cal Control Panel shortcut - I get a second of spinning blue icon and then nothing. I get nothing running and can find no logs. (C:\opt\OpenForisCalc\calc-server\tomcat\logs is empty!)

How can I go about solving this problem? Have I missed something in the installation?

Thanks in advance! /Dave

asked 20 Jan '20, 11:18

UmeaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Dave,

During the process to find out what the problem was, we realized that Calc is incompatible with JDK 1.13.

The suggested and tested JDK is 1.8; hopefully this might help other users having the same issue.

Thank you,


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answered 22 Jan '20, 11:18

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%

Hi Dave,

Is postgres installed at the port 5432?

when you open Calc control panel, did you click start?

Thank you, Mino

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answered 21 Jan '20, 10:48

Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Mino Togna ♦♦
accept rate: 12%


Postgres is installed on port 5432.

I've tried to launch Calc control panel via both the start menu and the Desktop shortcut.


(21 Jan '20, 13:40) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image

Hi dave,

can you open the console and type java -version ?

Please, let me know what the output is.

Thank you Mino

(21 Jan '20, 13:56) Mino Togna ♦♦ Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

C:\Users\david>java -version java version "13.0.2" 2020-01-14 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 13.0.2+8) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 13.0.2+8, mixed mode, sharing)

(21 Jan '20, 14:22) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image

I have just a doubt: did you have installed the JDK or the JRE? Calc needs the JDK

(21 Jan '20, 14:25) Mino Togna ♦♦ Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

I installed jdk-13.0.2

javac -version gives javac 13.0.2 so JDK is installed properly.

(21 Jan '20, 14:29) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image

Can you also type in the console

echo %CALC_HOME%


echo %JAVA_HOME%


(21 Jan '20, 14:29) Mino Togna ♦♦ Mino%20Togna's gravatar image



C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13.0.2

(21 Jan '20, 14:31) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image

can you type in the console:

cd %CALC_HOME%/calc-server/server/tomcat/bin (then press enter)

then type

catalina.bat run

can you check if the server starts correctly?

If it does, can you open chrome at the page http://localhost:8081 ?

(21 Jan '20, 14:35) Mino Togna ♦♦ Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

That's not possible, my calc-server has no server folder. This is what works: cd %CALC_HOME%/calc-server/tomcat/bin

Running the bat file, I get an error:

Using CATALINA_BASE: "C:\opt\OpenForisCalc\calc-server\tomcat" Using CATALINA_HOME: "C:\opt\OpenForisCalc\calc-server\tomcat" Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: "C:\opt\OpenForisCalc\calc-server\tomcat\temp" Using JRE_HOME: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13.0.2" Using CLASSPATH: "C:\opt\OpenForisCalc\calc-server\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\opt\OpenForisCalc\calc-server\tomcat\bin\tomcat-juli.jar"

(21 Jan '20, 14:44) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Ignoring option MaxPermSize; support was removed in 8.0 -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\opt\OpenForisCalc\calc-server\tomcat\endorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone APIs in modular form will be supported via the concept of upgradeable modules. Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

(21 Jan '20, 14:44) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image

Yes, sorry the correct path is without server

I cannot see what causes the program to exit. Is that all you see in the console?

(21 Jan '20, 15:38) Mino Togna ♦♦ Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Yes - the only error messages are the last two lines:

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

(21 Jan '20, 15:58) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image

Thank you Dave.

Tomorrow we'll try to install Calc on Win10 with JDK 13 and will get back to you.


(21 Jan '20, 16:57) Mino Togna ♦♦ Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

Hi Dave,

It looks like Calc is incompatible with JDK 1.13. Can you uninstall it and install JDK 1.8?



(22 Jan '20, 10:15) Mino Togna ♦♦ Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

I installed a JDK from: https://jdk.java.net/java-se-ri/8

I still get no proper response from the Open Foris Calc control panel, but running "catalina.bat run" seems to start the server ok - even if I've not got data into Calc yet.

Is that the right JDK?

(22 Jan '20, 10:36) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image

update: I actually tried calc-server\startup.cmd which opened a tomcat window.

As I say, I'm still struggling with the data. But if that's the right JDK I can keep working and start a new question if I get stuck there.

(22 Jan '20, 10:38) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image

Yes JDK 1.8 is the right one. Make sure JAVA_HOME is pointing to the JDK 1.8

Not sure what you mean by struggling with the data; you need to import collect data first

hope this helps.

Thank you


(22 Jan '20, 10:50) Mino Togna ♦♦ Mino%20Togna's gravatar image

I've got the data in now. I'm still going through the manual and I'd missed that I needed to create a workspace before importing the data.

Thanks for your help. If you want to write an answer saying that JDK 1.13 is incompatible then I'lll accept it.

(22 Jan '20, 10:58) UmeaDave UmeaDave's gravatar image
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question asked: 20 Jan '20, 11:18

question was seen: 3,192 times

last updated: 22 Jan '20, 11:18