I am trying to generator a sampling grid using Collect Grid Earth Generator for a sub-state area in the US. When I select US, there is no drop-down option for either province or district. I tried several other countries to see if this error was replicated elsewhere, but I was able to select a province and district for Armenia, US Virgin Island, and Uruguay. I found this issue on both Chrome and Firebox browsers. asked 13 Feb '20, 17:12 soilist |
Thank you for reporting the issue It should be fixed now, please try again. There is an issue with the geometry of the whole USA but it should be ok to generate grids by states or districts now https://collectearth.users.earthengine.app/view/collect-earth-grid-generator Let us know if there is any other issue answered 13 Feb '20, 19:19 collectearth ♦ Thank you for checking on that issue. I just tried it and the dropdown menus for both Province and District function again. thanks!
(14 Feb '20, 12:42)