Dear all,

Google Earth Engine and Big Map doesn't display when I click plot areas in Google Earth. I confirm that the Earth Engine and Big Map have been checked in Collect Earth panel, and the path of chrome has been set correctly, according to the following links: link text.

I would appreciate any reply

Best regards,


asked 28 May '20, 04:29

Peng%20Fang's gravatar image

Peng Fang
accept rate: 100%

edited 28 May '20, 04:34

Dear OF,

Thanks for your detailed guidance! I had checked the version of Collect Earth and Chrom, and found that they were all the latest. But when I checked the version of Google Earth, I found that it was not the latest version. When I update Google Earth to the latest version, all functions are fine!

Thank you again!


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answered 29 May '20, 03:47

Peng%20Fang's gravatar image

Peng Fang
accept rate: 100%

Hi Peng,

Please make sure that you have both the latest version of Collect Earth (currently 1.10.17 ) and the last version of Chrome (currently 83) installed. You can update Collect Earth by going to Help->Check for updates of Collect Earth and Chrome can be uploaded by following these steps:

  • On your computer, open Chrome.
  • At the top right, click More (the three dots).
  • Click Help And then About Google Chrome.

The current version number is the series of numbers beneath the "Google Chrome" heading. Chrome will check for updates when you're on this page.

To apply any available updates, click Relaunch.

Collect Earth is always optimized to use the latest version of Chrome.

If for some reason this does not work, then switch browsers on the Collect Earth Properties dialog:

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answered 28 May '20, 12:42

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 28 May '20, 04:29

question was seen: 1,920 times

last updated: 29 May '20, 10:14