Hi Open Foris,

I have recently encountered an issue when using Open Foris Collect. Open Foris Collect opens in Google Chrome (my default browser) and shows the following error message; "A data breach on a site or app exposed your password. Chrome recommends changing your password on localhost:8380 now.". As a result, I faced some downstream errors when trying to open the Collect Earth Project that I created in Open Foris Collect, where the points would not load properly into the survey, resulting in a null survey.

I replicated this issue in another computer which never had the Open Foris Collect or Collect Earth softwares; the same problem arises despite being independent computers. However, it turns out that after some troubleshooting, I found out that Open Foris Collect functions perfectly fine when I use Windows Edge 10 instead of Google Chrome. The same error message will reappear if I switch back to Google Chrome.

Can you please advise on how to go about this issue, because I have several surveys already stored in my Survey Designer, and am afraid I will lose access to them if I change my password on Open Foris Collect. I would prefer to use Google Chrome for Open Foris Collect because I have noticed that I am able to attach Grid files to the Survey Designer in Google Chrome, but occasionally face some problems in Windows Edge.

Thank you kindly, hope to hear from you soon.



asked 24 Aug '20, 08:38

EarthOrbGIS's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear user,
This error pops up because Collect uses a default user called "admin" and a password "admin", and Google Chrome warns about this.
This is a security risk only if your installation of Collect is accessible from outside and you keep the default password.
We will change the default password of the admin user in the next versions of Collect.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 24 Aug '20, 11:14

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Thank you for clarifying. Will make sure to update to the next version when it comes out.


(26 Aug '20, 04:32) EarthOrbGIS EarthOrbGIS's gravatar image

Also just to be clear:

The issue with Chrome notifying the password leak should not be related at all with the rest of the functionality in the Collect package or the integration with Collect Earth.

Please specify further what the issues with Collect Earth surveys are so that we can support you.

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answered 25 Aug '20, 13:32

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

Apart from this issue, Collect Earth informed me of an error where it was unable to load the survey because the survey was null. Specifically, I found out that it was unable to read the Grid.csv file even though my input .csv matched the 'Keys' in the Schema, and there was no error when I validated the survey in Collect, it was unable to open the .csv.

When I first saw this issue, I associated it to the data breach error message, but it was probably because my Date data (dd/mm/yyyy) was not formatted properly. I have sinced fixed that problem and the project is able to load successfully.

(26 Aug '20, 04:36) EarthOrbGIS EarthOrbGIS's gravatar image

Dear user,
The default password of the admin user has been changed in the latest version of Collect (3.26.22) and this should solve this issue.
In case you need to change it, please refer to the Collect user manual.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 13 Oct '20, 09:25

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

edited 13 Oct '20, 09:28

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question asked: 24 Aug '20, 08:38

question was seen: 3,130 times

last updated: 13 Oct '20, 09:28