Dear OF Team,

while trying to see the preview in Collect of a new Collect Earth Survey, I get the following error:


2016-08-25T08:23:18.218Z - error updating data: undefined

I have created a form Version v1 and I am assigning v1 to all customizations in this demo/test survey. The validation of the survey passed without problems.

Thanks for your help!

asked 25 Aug '16, 10:44

wexxo's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Dear Alex,
Thanks for reporting this problem. It has been solved in version 3.10.24 of Collect, please update it (it will be available after 18:30 Rome time).
Open Foris Team

permanent link

answered 26 Aug '16, 18:12

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Alex,
We will contact you in a private context so that you can share your survey with us and we can test it.
Open Foris Team

permanent link

answered 25 Aug '16, 11:45

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 25 Aug '16, 10:44

question was seen: 4,822 times

last updated: 26 Aug '16, 18:12