Dear all, in some inventory projects we experienced an irregular loss of some single tree data during data entry. The problem is not traceable, in some plots it happend that tree data have been entered but dissapeared later. Re-opening the respective plots shows some empty fields where data have been entered before (e.g. dbh or heights). The problem occured here and then in about 5% of the plots. Did anyone made similar observations?

asked 11 Dec '20, 08:14

Fehrmann's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear user,
This sounds strange and even a bit scary... does this problem happen always in the same fields? Like tree dbh and tree height? Are they decimal numeric fields? Do these fields have some "relevance" rule? (are they visible only when a specific condition is verified). Can it be that for some reason that condition is not verified anymore while users are inserting other data and the data associated to that fields is deleted?
Please let us know, we will contact you to your email address so you can share with us your survey.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 11 Dec '20, 09:45

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Dear Stefano, Thanks for your immediate help! These fields are "required" and are always relevant. But it is about fields that have validation rules. I validate whether a tree is really "IN" according to distance and dbh and promt a warning message in case the teams accidently included a tree that should be out according to the plot design. I see that this validation takes some time and maybe the teams are just working too fast. Probably I will reduce the number of validations.

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answered 11 Dec '20, 09:59

Fehrmann's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I'll tell you what all you'll need:

1) OTG cable ( try and buy with one female host port and male USB)

2) USB extension port

3) male to male extension cable

4) mhl to HDMI adapter

5) USB mouse

6) USB keyboard

7) laptop

8) broken phone


1) Connect your otg cable to phone.

2) connect mhl to HDMI adapter, female extension into otg cable 's female host port, connect other end of adapter to the TV set.

3) Connect the USB extension port to otg cable's male USB.

4) connect your keyboard, mouse, etc into the USB extension port.

5) now connect your laptop to USB extension port by using male to male USB cable.

Now! You can see your screen on TV, it's connected to laptop, you can unlock your device by using the keyboard and transfer everything easily by using mouse

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answered 16 Feb '21, 07:40

boltposts's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 11 Dec '20, 08:14

question was seen: 2,097 times

last updated: 16 Feb '21, 07:40