I have a new Macbook and plan to demonstrate CollectEarth soon. Operating on OSX 10.10.4.

However, the CollectEarth Download Link for Mac OS X returns an error:

404 - Not Found

Item not found for request "ArtifactStoreRequest(requestPath="/org/openforis/collect/earth/collect-earth-installer/1.1.7/collect-earth-installer-1.1.7-osx.zip")(GAVCE=org.openforis.collect.earth:collect-earth-installer:LATEST:c=osx:e=zip, for "Releases" [id=releases]) " in repository ""Releases" [id=releases]"!

Any suggestions?

asked 07 Jul '15, 14:52

Ron%20Steffens's gravatar image

Ron Steffens
accept rate: 0%

ops, sorry work in progress

we'll patch it in the next days

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answered 07 Jul '15, 16:50

gmarchi's gravatar image

gmarchi ♦♦
accept rate: 7%

Thanks. Looking forward to getting it up and running again.

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answered 07 Jul '15, 17:05

Ron%20Steffens's gravatar image

Ron Steffens
accept rate: 0%

The download link for Collect Earth has been fixed:

There are a few known bugs on this version though :

  • Chrome integration is not working.

  • Saiku analysis is not opening propperly.

  • The automatic update of Collect Earth does not work.

I will post a reply in this thread as soon as we get these problems fixed!

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answered 08 Jul '15, 15:19

sanchez_paus's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Hi, I'm a new user of Collect Earth. You said that it has been solved, nevertheless I still having the same problem. I use Windows 10

I upload data, do plot navigation but can't download the .csv file. You talk about a patch, where can I find it?

I really need to download data to continue with my project


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answered 20 Nov '18, 16:33

Aljorice06's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Nov '18, 16:52

Are you speaking about Collect Earth or Collect Earth Online?

If using Collect Earth, how are you trying to export the data? Usually you would go to Tools->Data Import/Export->Export data to CSV

If the problem is that you cannot download the Collect Earth installer go to : http://www.openforis.org/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=releases&g=org.openforis.collect.earth&a=collect-earth-installer&v=LATEST&c=osx&e=dmg

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answered 20 Nov '18, 17:03

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Hi!! I'm using Collect Earth Online. Thanks for the quick answer

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answered 20 Nov '18, 17:10

Aljorice06's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 07 Jul '15, 14:52

question was seen: 8,183 times

last updated: 06 Jul '20, 09:41