Notice for Calc users (19/2/2021):

Calc v. 2.1-a17 fails to import a collect-data file, because some new Java libraries are missing. There is an updated version Calc 2.1-a19 for Windows available at Open Foris site, for example under this link.

If you have saved Saiku queries for Calc: before installing the newest version, take a safety copy of the queries from c:\opt\OpenForisCalc\calc-server\tomcat\webapps\saiku\WEB-INF\classes\saiku-repository\ (please read more in Saiku for Calc Manual, chapter "3.10. Saving and opening queries").

Thanks, OF Team

asked 19 Feb '21, 08:48

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Lauri (OF) ♦♦
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question asked: 19 Feb '21, 08:48

question was seen: 1,337 times

last updated: 19 Feb '21, 08:48