Hi, I work for a European Paying Agency which controls payments made to farmers. Collect Earth as it is an open-source tool can I use it also for non-research purposes? I have noticed that I can import and use my own GEE script in Collect Earth. Can I integrate my own script with the aim to support my work?

asked 19 Feb '21, 12:24

siasof's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Collect Earth is a free open source software with an MIT License which basically allows you to do anything with it ( HERE THE FULL TEXT ). Of course, Collect Earth uses other software ( Google Earth, Bing Maps and GEE) and you need to make sure you are respecting their licenses.

In order to use your own Google Earth Engine scripts you need to create a script that follows the structure of this one ( LINK TO GEE APP - LINK TO THE "MAIN" GEE SCRIPT - LINK TO REPOSITORY WITH THE CODE USED IN THE APP ), publish it as a GEE App and then you also need to change the property called "gee_app_url" in the earth.properties file. You can find the earth.properies file if you click on the Tools->Open Data Folder menu item in Collect Earth.

Currently this property is set to this GEE App :


This is probably not enough info so let us know if you have more doubts!

permanent link

answered 19 Feb '21, 14:53

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

edited 19 Feb '21, 14:53

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question asked: 19 Feb '21, 12:24

question was seen: 1,542 times

last updated: 19 Feb '21, 14:53