
I am learning how to use Collect Earth and am playing around with the "simple LULUCF survey for Paraguay" database. I am following section 3.1.1 of the pdf manual and when I click on a plot, Bing Maps and Google Earth Engine are not opening up. Is there something wrong with my configuration? Also, when I try to enter a land use category, the following error message appears: "Cannot save the data, the Collect Earth server is not running!". I would really appreciate some help with this!

asked 01 Apr '21, 01:07

Tlacotongle's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That sounds like you might have an older version of Collect Earth installed...

We need to keep updating Collect Earth as the versions of Chrome/Firefox evolve, thus, in order to make sure that this integration works, please update Collect Earth to the latest version ( in the men Help->Check for updates of Collect Earth ) or if you have problems updating, you might directly reinstall Collect Earth with the newest version from the website (don´t worry as re-installing will not interfere with surveys or data already collected ) : http://www.openforis.org/tools/collect-earth.html

Finally IMPORTANT, you also need to update Chrome/Firefox to their latest versions to ensure compatibility.

Right now the latest versions are Chrome > 89 and Firefox > 87

Here is how to update Chrome LINK and how to update Firefox LINK

Let us know if you still have problems!

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answered 01 Apr '21, 10:32

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

Thank you for your quick response! All of the software is up to date with the latest versions. Everything seems to work fine when I play around with the plots that come preloaded in the program. However, when I try to use one of the other demo datasets available on the Collect Earth website, neither Bing Maps nor GEE open up.

(01 Apr '21, 21:27) Tlacotongle Tlacotongle's gravatar image

Testing with the specific survey for Paraguay I have noticed that this is a really old survey! please don´t use it, I will update the website to include newer and better surveys! In the meantime you can test with this one for instance : http://www.openforis.org/fileadmin/installer/africa_deal_2019.cep

(03 Apr '21, 16:42) collectearth ♦ collectearth's gravatar image

Once the Collect Earth and Browsers are up to date, and if you still see no new windows popping up when you click on a plot, make sure that the options to view Bing Map, Google Earth Engine, Planet and the rest are active in the Integrated services tab of the Properties dialog.

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answered 03 Apr '21, 10:09

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 01 Apr '21, 01:07

question was seen: 1,975 times

last updated: 03 Apr '21, 16:42