How to access to the scripts in Collect Earth? I need to modify or add an index to improve wetland identification. Thanks!

asked 31 Jul '21, 20:08

fabrau's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thank you for your question.

Replacing the Collect Earth / Google Earth Engine script integration is not terribly easy to change...

First of all, the scripts used by Collect Earth are derived from this one :

the previous script, calls (for most surveys) this other script :

The heavy lifting is done by the processPlotInfo method.

Realize how Collect Earth sends this parameters in the URL that can be used by the first script:

  • ee_script : the name of the survey that is using hte script
  • startTime : Defautls to 2000-01-01
  • endTime : Defaults to todays date
  • geoJson : This is the only parameter that MUST be filled
  • plotId : The name of the plot being assessed, defaults to Plot

Once you have edited your own version of the script, you need to publish it as a GEE App ( see the tutorial on GEE Apps)

NOW, if you manage to have a script working, you then need to let Collect Earth know that it should be used! This is done by editing the configuration file, go to Tools->Open Data folder and then open the file called . Here, you need to set the URL of your GEE App in the configuration file, by changing this property:


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answered 02 Aug '21, 16:24

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Thank you so much for your answers. I thought the change would be much easier than I see it actually is.

To introduce you to the subject, I'm currently leading (coordinating) a National Project whose main goal is the mapping of wetlands throughout the country. For this purpose, I find Open Foris/Collect Earth an extraordinary tool that can help us, simplify and improve the process considerably. However, to identify wetlands it might be more beneficial to use, in addition to NDVI, another index such as NDWI or MNDWI. I was checking the scripts you mentioned and I saw that one of them the NDWI is referenced, however, when the charts are displayed in Collect Earth this index doesn't show up (as well as EVI). I don't know if there is any way to select the indices to be displayed or if the only way is to try to do what you described in your answer.

Finally and not to take up any more of your time, in both Open Foris and Collect Earth there is the option "Open GEE Code Editor" but it says in brackets "requires Trusted Tester access". I don't know how to get that access.


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answered 02 Aug '21, 18:19

fabrau's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 31 Jul '21, 20:08

question was seen: 1,325 times

last updated: 02 Aug '21, 18:19