Hi, Open foris Team, We are seeing a tool named Arena. I read the manual but I could not figure out the relation between the Arena and collect mobile. Is their option after collecting offline data from collect mobile and send data using collect mobile (when in online) to Arena server directly? or I am missing something?

asked 13 Sep '21, 20:07

Rajkumar's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 13 Sep '21, 20:09

Dear Rajkumar,

Arena survey is not backwards compatible with Collect Mobile, and new Arena Mobile is at the planning stage: we aim to implement this in 2022. Currently there is the following solution to use Collect Mobile data in Arena:

  1. create a survey in Collect, and test and tailor this survey in Arena. Collect survey will always require some modifications to work in Arena's the user-interface. Publish the survey in Arena.
  2. Use (Collect) survey in Collect Mobile (offline)
  3. In Arena, import collect-data file coming from Mobile.

We are still developing Arena platform, and particularly data processing part will soon meet changes, because it requires some streamlining.

regards, Lauri (OF Team)

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answered 14 Sep '21, 10:04

Lauri%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Lauri (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Hope that OF team works also on improving/maintaining the compatibility between Collect and Arena.

(21 Jan '22, 11:27) joseph joseph's gravatar image

Just to clarify, Collect and Collect Mobile are projects that are fully supported and in current development.

Arena is a new project that basically will be a new version of these products in the future that will be backwards compatible, thus you need not worry, if you start working with Collect and Collect Mobile you will be able to use Arena in the future when it is fully developed.

There is something in your question about sending data from Collect Mobile to a server? If you are asking how to do that then let us know and we will guide you on the process of setting a server where the data can be transferred from the Collect Mobile surveys.

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answered 15 Sep '21, 17:15

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Dear OFC team, We see arena in much more developed condition. It seems it is pretty good. My concern is that can we store our data in areana (however I assume it can). If it can store data using mobile device? or is this feature in still developing stage? I am very curious to know arena and collect mobile combinitation. It will be a game changer stage once after we design our survey, collect data using mobile and send it in arena and do all of the rest task cleansing and analyzing in online. Am I expecting more?

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answered 10 Jun '22, 18:57

Rajkumar's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

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question asked: 13 Sep '21, 20:07

question was seen: 1,671 times

last updated: 10 Jun '22, 18:57