I have collected data using a different software from Collect Mobile but I would like to use Open Foris Calc to analyze it.

Is there a way for me to import this data into Calc??


asked 18 Nov '22, 11:05

collector's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Nov '22, 11:08

Unfortunately there is no methods to use Calc with other than Collect data.

regards, Lauri

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answered 18 Nov '22, 11:29

Lauri%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Lauri (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Just to complete, here is a post in the forum on how to create a Collect survey by importing the data you already have as a CSV file, in case you want to go the route of generating the Collect survey with your current data and then using Calc with the data export! https://www.openforis.support//questions/800/creating-a-survey-from-a-csv-with-previous-data

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answered 18 Nov '22, 15:28

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 18 Nov '22, 11:05

question was seen: 916 times

last updated: 18 Nov '22, 15:28