Dear OF team

In our survey we have a multiple code attribute for selecting team members. In minimum there must be two team members, in maximum there three.

Therefore, we have an attribute team, where we have checked Multiple with Min count: 2, Max count: 3. In OF Collect Desktop, the validation of the restrictions works as supposed. However, in OF Collect Mobile there seems to be a bug for the validation.

I have tested the following cases:

Min count Max count validation min validation max
2 3 error warning only disappears after selecting-unselecting-selecting some items. not working
0 3 no error if NULL not working
NULL 3 NA not working


asked 18 Jan '23, 08:03

chris_1123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Christoph,
We will investigate this issue and apply a fix in the next version of Collect Mobile if necessary.
Many thanks,
Open Foris Team

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answered 18 Jan '23, 21:18

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

There is a way I have achieved to suppress this warning for the example above: I have an entity plot/team_sampling_decision where I select the field-crew members (code-attribute team):

  • check Multiple as described above
  • add additional checks for min and max:
    min: count(parent()/team_sampling_decision/team) >= 2 and idm:not-blank($this)
    max: count(parent()/team_sampling_decision/team) <= 3

Note that the argument idm:not-blank is required since no error would be raised if no team-members are selected.

This solution currently works (Collect Mobile Version 1.7.9 [206]), but I don't know if there might happen unforeseen interactions of this double-validation in future versions...

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answered 24 Jan '23, 15:00

chris_1123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Jan '23, 08:03

question was seen: 968 times

last updated: 24 Jan '23, 15:00