Dear all,

I am new to open foris and need a quick answer to see if it might fit my needs.

First, I have data collected from different sources but not Collect, it is still reliable in CSV format. Can I work generally on CALC or I might encounter difficulties since is not coming from a collect file?

Second, I need to perform an analysis of certain species, Do you think is possible to do this in Calc? So far is not clear to me if under trees I will be able to select some species.

Thank you for taking the time.

asked 09 Mar '23, 13:17

elenatura's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can Arena support a lot of data? and I want to understand clearly if I already have data but this data was not collected in OF Collect is possible to use ARENA? it seems that no

(09 Mar '23, 16:18) elenatura elenatura's gravatar image

Thank you for answering so quick I was hopping to use your interface

(09 Mar '23, 16:19) elenatura elenatura's gravatar image

About getting CSV data into Arena, pls see the manual at and chapter 9.8. Data import.

What is big amount of data? If you truly have a massive dataset (hundreds or thousands of records) then separate installation of Arena can be considered. There are instructions here:

(10 Mar '23, 08:02) Lauri (OF) ♦♦ Lauri%20%28OF%29's gravatar image


Must tell you that OF Calc has nowadays some disadvantages:

  • laborious to install,
  • imports only data from OF Collect,
  • not kept updated (and to be replaced by Arena).

Instead you can consider using OF Arena. For Arena, you still have to create a survey first (or import it from Collect) and import data from your CSV files. However, no installations will be needed.

In Arena with RStudio, you can build a calculation chain similarly as in Calc, process the data and report it by species too. If you will need some species grouping, you can create a new categorical (species group) attribute into your processing chain, and use that while reporting the result statistics.

Arena still lacks some of the sampling designs that are in Calc, such as two-phase sampling, but that will be added into the analytics during this year. On the other hand, Arena contains possibility to apply stratification, post-stratification and non-response bias correction in statistical analysis. However, Arena does not yet contain such a nice reporting tool as SAIKU is in Calc, but we are planning to improve result reporting methods of the Arena platform gradually.

Regards, Lauri

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answered 09 Mar '23, 14:50

Lauri%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Lauri (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 09 Mar '23, 13:17

question was seen: 1,557 times

last updated: 10 Mar '23, 08:02