Hi OF-team,

I craeated a survey with predefined plots and trees (codelists) for a regular tree inventory on an experimental site.

For better workflow entering data in collect mobile:

is it possible to hide already processed trees from the list of suggestions/ available options or to jump directly to the next tree when entering all atributes refering to one tree (single ID)?

Thanks in advance! Best, Julius

asked 15 Mar '23, 10:18

Julius's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, i try to specify my problem and give some context: the survey is conducted on a very structured experimental site. 80 Plots with 64 trees each. In a chessboard-like arrangement. Every tree has it's own ID (plotwise) e.g. "G-08". That is why i created a codelist for Tree-ID which automatically includes the tree-position (Row G and column 08 in the example). While designing the survey i created a multiple entity (table layout) for "tree". I selected "multiple" and "enumerate". Tree_ID is a code attribute and the layout was set to "dropdown" by default.

(17 Mar '23, 13:46) Julius Julius's gravatar image

When entering tree ID on site in collect mobile, pressing the space-bar to see suggested values, there is a very long list from 1st to 64st tree (more than screen size of a 10" tablet). The list is already sorted to minimise the walking distance from one tree to the next. When the first 10 trees have been processed, a wild scrolling starts to find the next tree position because the list always starts with the first entry (tree).

So it would be great for the workflow to jump automatically to the next tree. Or the list decreases with each new entry.

Hope this helps to answer my question.

(17 Mar '23, 13:47) Julius Julius's gravatar image

Dear Julius,
If I understand correctly you have a list of tree IDs and you want to filter out the already inserted values when you create a new tree and you have to select its ID, is it correct?
What you could do, if the tree ID is just a sequential number, is to add default value expression to it that assigns every time the "next" value to it. Otherwise, with the current version of Collect and Collect Mobile, it's not possible to filter out items from a code list.
Let us know, many thanks.
Open Foris Team

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answered 16 Mar '23, 15:17

Stefano%20%28OF%29's gravatar image

Stefano (OF) ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 15 Mar '23, 10:18

question was seen: 713 times

last updated: 17 Mar '23, 13:47